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The Scene interface represents a scene in the game. A scene typically contains game objects and manages their lifecycle.


interface Scene {
load(data?: any): void;
unload(): void;
update(deltaTime: number): void;
draw(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D)



  • Parameters:
    • data (optional)
      • Type: any
  • Return type: void

The load method is called when the scene is loaded. It is responsible for initializing the scene and its game objects.


  • Return type: void

The unload method is called when the scene is unloaded. It is responsible for cleaning up resources and releasing memory used by the scene and its game objects.


  • Parameters:
    • deltaTime
      • Type: number
  • Return type: void

The method to update the state of a scene, called once per frame. deltaTime is the time elapsed since the last frame.


  • Parameters:
    • context
      • Type: CanvasRenderingContext2D
  • Return type: void

The method to draw the scene on the given 2D rendering context.